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[Joe's Guitar Method (my book)] [Gigs] [Technical Exercises] [Audio Clips]
(you must change " AT " to "@" and " DOT " to "." to use this email address)

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NEW: 7-26-20
I'm offering online jazz guitar lessons now via Zoom (possibly Skype as well) for
per 1 hour lesson.
[Note: If you live near Toronto and have a good internet connection (Ethernet only, no wifi), we may also be able to use Jamulus or Sonobus to play duets together which can't be done via Zoom.]
Payments will be made via email money transfer to my email address.
Lesson Inquiries will also go through my email.

It will help, although it's not a prerequisite, for you to own a copy of my book
Joe's Guitar Method.
The lessons can go off on any tangent, but what I usually teach is mostly in the book.
Please consult my
Jazz Guitar Lessons
page for more info on what and how I teach.

[Home] [Jazz Guitar Music For Your Private Party] [Recordings] [Jazz Guitar Lessons (in Toronto)][Online Lessons]
[Joe's Guitar Method (my book)] [Gigs] [Technical Exercises] [Audio Clips]
(you must change " AT " to "@" and " DOT " to "." to use this email address)
Facebook Artist Page

© 1998 J. M. Goldstein
This place is always TOTALLY under construction and I'm the lone builder, contractor and architect ... just me and my little Mac. So please bear with me and don't get too upset if my pages do funny things to your computer or upset your fine sense of aesthetics because I really don't know what the hell I'm doing! I am merely a guitar player. I make no claims of computer or page layout proficiency!